First up is an opinion piece in this week’s NYT.

My comments in bold – at least until I figure out a better way to format this.


Tucker Carlson Is Not Your New Best Friend

Suddenly you’re digging him. At least a little bit. I know, I’ve seen the tweets, read the commentary, heard the chatter, detected the barely suppressed cheer: Hurrah for Tucker Carlson. If only we had more brave, principled Republicans like him.


Tucker is pushing the right buttons. I have my suspicions that, if ever elected to office, he would end up like the Alt-Lite figure I hoped Trump would be – but Tucker is excellent at talking about dissident issues with plausible deniability.


Right out of the gate, he protested President Trump’s decision to kill Qassim Suleimani, the Iranian military commander, noting that it didn’t square with the president’s determination not to get bogged down in the Middle East and warning of the possibility and horror of full-blown war. Your pulse quickened. You perked up.

He sounded that same alarm on his next show and the show after that. Every night at 8 p.m., he worried about the bellicose itch of our leaders. When all around him on Fox News were playing their usual roles (indeed, his usual role) as masseurs for the president’s tender ego, he administered slaps, hard ones, the kind that leave angry red handprints. Ouch — and don’t stop.


I guess he’s talking to liberal readers, here (hey – NYT and all)


You rejoiced. It’s one thing when Democrats challenge what looks like a rush to war by a Republican president. It’s another when typically fawning members of his own party do.


Jamming your narrative. Let’s see how he’s right about being anti-war, but still scary.


And while Carlson was hardly alone in his rebellion — three House Republicans voted with Democrats to check the president’s war-waging authority and, over in the Senate, Mike Lee and Rand Paul raised a dissident ruckus — no one else had his ardor, his articulateness, his megaphone.

The fascination with him is itself fascinating, for many reasons. Can you recall a modern president before Trump whose moods and movements could be reflected and predicted simply by watching one news organization and, for that matter, just a few of its offerings? In lieu of a normally functioning White House communications department or a press secretary who holds actual press briefings (what a thought!), we have “Fox & Friends” in the morning and Carlson’s and Sean Hannity’s shows in the evening.


Yes. Every president. Except it was from outlets other than Fox News.


They don’t chronicle this presidency. They shape it, not just in terms of the volume of their applause for Trump, who craves the loudest possible clapping, but in terms of actual interactions. Carlson — like Hannity and another Fox fixture, Lou Dobbs — has in fact advised him behind the scenes.


No other president ever paid attention to their coverage in the media and let it affect policy.


Hence the rapt reaction to Carlson’s antiwar jeremiads. They may well matter.


Completely unnecessary display of vocabulary. This is a pet peeve of mine across all types of writing.


Also, those of us who regard Trump as a menace can be so eager — too eager — to welcome newcomers to our shores that we overlook the polluted seas they sailed to get there. In a recent moment on the ABC talk show “The View” that was awkward at best, Joy Behar announced excitedly that the prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer had just disavowed Trump because of Iran.


I don’t recall the NYT disavowing Obama for his far more Hawkish actions.


During his Tuesday show, Carlson performed political jujitsu and held two of the president’s principal Democratic adversaries responsible for exacerbated tensions with Iran. Referring to the Washington establishment and singling out Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, he said, “These are people who have been basically advocating for a kind of war against Iran for an awfully long time.”

“It’s infuriating,” he added. “It’s because of Schumer and Pelosi and people like them that we got into Iraq in the first place.”

Come again? A Republican president, George W. Bush, urged and oversaw the invasion of Iraq, and while Schumer authorized it, Pelosi voted against it, as did many more Democrats than Republicans.


If Schumer authorized it, why are you complaining about the accurate characterization? Pelosi was far from an anti-war voice in 2003.


And Carlson’s portrait of Trump as puppet contradicts reporting from The Times and other news organizations that some Pentagon officials were stunned when the president ordered the strike against Suleimani, a measure more extreme than other options presented to him.


The MSM has been calling Trump a puppet of Russia for going on four year now.


Carlson remains true to Carlson: selective with facts, slanted with truths and — this is the most important part — committed to his vision of America as a land imperiled by nefarious Democrats and the dark-skinned invaders they would open the gates to if not for sentries like him and Trump.


The most important part to me is “selective with facts, slanted with truths”. That’s how media operates. The only difference is that you don’t control the narrative anymore.


As Matt Gertz of Media Matters perceptively noted, Carlson’s antiwar stance “is not a break from his past support for Trump or his channeling of white nationalist tropes, but a direct a result of both.” Gertz explained that in the mind-set of Carlson and many of his fans on the far right, energy spent on missions in another hemisphere is energy not spent on our southern border. It’s no accident that, in regard to the Middle East, he and Spencer are on the same page.


I don’t know how he arrives at “white nationalism” from anything Tucker said, but, hey, there’s Spencer’s name again! 


Following Suleimani’s death, Carlson asked his audience, “Why are we continuing to ignore the decline of our own country in favor of jumping into another quagmire?”




Carlson is defined not by a bold willingness to check Trump’s excesses or ugliest impulses but by his indulgence — no, his fervent encouragement — of those impulses as they pertain to racism and immigration. On those fronts, Carlson himself grows ever uglier, as my colleague Farhad Manjoo and others have noted. It’s why many sponsors have defected from Carlson’s show.


I guess it’s a given that Trump is racist and hates immigration, even though his policies — which speak much louder than his occasional “based” rhetoric — say the exact opposite.


Carlson repeatedly uses variations of the word “invasion” to characterize migrants from Central America. He insists that “white supremacy” is a fiction, a hoax. He has used language that buys into and promotes “replacement theory” — a far-right fixation on the idea that declining birthrates among whites will cause a nonwhite takeover — and recently castigated immigrants for litter along the Potomac River.


Israel uses the word “infiltrators”, which I prefer. They also murder people on a daily basis who try to cross their borders, with no comment from the NYT.


If you want to say “what does Israel have to do with this”, they would certainly not fail to take notice if it were any other Western/White country. They have countless articles about “anti-semitism” and “mistreatment” of migrants in Europe.


Just last month he gave precious time on his show to an obscure Republican congressional candidate in North Carolina, Pete D’Abrosca, who has warned white Americans that they’re “being replaced by third world peasants.” D’Abrosca has also bragged of his support from the “groyper army,” a far-right group with more than a whiff of anti-Semitism.


“Anti-Semitism – right on cue”.


Is Carlson himself abetting hatred of Jews? In a rare point of agreement, some Jews and white nationalists believe so, pointing to an on-air rant last month in which he bashed a Jewish billionaire, Paul Singer, by comparing him unfavorably with Henry Ford, who owned a newspaper that ran a lengthy series alleging a Jewish plot to dominate the world.


I missed the part where anything he said or did was “anti-Semitic”, or what Ford’s  political beliefs have to do with anything. Also, Singer is one of the worst people in the world. 


“The Fox News host goes full anti-Semite,” wrote Tablet, a Jewish publication, while Mike Enoch, who rallied with the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Va., said on his podcast, “If you didn’t catch the German shepherd whistles where he praised Henry Ford and then went into a diatribe of a Jewish financier, you know, I don’t know what universe you’re existing in.”


What else is a Jewish publication going to say. The universe we exist in is one where Jews aren’t at the center of it.


So that’s some of what Carlson was up to just before he turned his attention to Iran.


Wow, that totally invalidates being anti-war, or something. What the hell even is this?


How warm and fuzzy are you feeling toward him now?


This article certainly failed to convince me to change any feelings. Maybe drop Spencer’s name a few more times.


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